The Resolution of Grief by Guided Afterlife Connections
by R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., Director, The Center for Spiritual Understanding
Jordan and Neimeyer’s review of studies measuring the
effectiveness of grief counseling concluded, “. . . perhaps the central finding
of these reviews is that grief counseling does not appear to be very effective,
most probably because many of the people who received it would do just as well
(and perhaps in some cases better) without it.”[1]
Five years later, in 2008, Neimeyer presented the results of his continued
research into the effectiveness of grief counseling in a paper with Joseph
Currier at the Association for Death Education and Counseling annual
conference, with a similar conclusion: grief counseling has only a slightly
helpful effect, and the effect is sustained for only a short time after the
intervention ends.[2]
A study of the effectiveness of physicians in helping people
suffering grief came to the same conclusion. Physicians were taught to use a
method of bereavement counseling named PBC (Primary Bereavement Care).
Evaluation of the effects of the counseling on their grieving patients found
that this physician intervention method “does not significantly improve
the intensity of bereavement measured by GEI (Grief Experience
Inventory) and TRIG (Texas Revised Inventory of Grief).”[3]
Grief is persistent, defying interventions by counselors or
physicians to help the grieving person.
However, positive effects have resulted from encounters
grieving people have with their loved ones after the passing. In a study
reported in OMEGA—Journal of Death and Dying,
researchers examined subjects’ accounts of post-death encounters and their
positive effects on the bereaved. Their findings were that, “The encounters
profoundly affected the participants’ beliefs in an afterlife and attitudes
toward life and death, and had a significant effect on their grief. Finally,
post-death encounters had a healing effect on the participants by contributing
to a sense of connectedness with the deceased. We conclude that health care
professionals and counselors should be educated about post-death encounters so
that the bereaved can share their experiences in a supportive and understanding
The authors of that study were referring to spontaneous after-death
contacts, such as encounters in dreams. However, in 2010, Rochelle Wright, M.S., a Washington-state licensed psychotherapist, developed a procedure using bilateral stimulation to help clients have afterlife connections with their deceased loved ones at will during psychotherapy sessions. She named it Guided Afterlife Connections.
Her method focuses on allowing those in the afterlife to
guide the experience, does not interrupt the unfolding process to redirect the
client to focuses other than those being brought to the client naturally, and
places no time limits on the duration of the experience. The Guided Afterlife
Connections method has resulted in afterlife connections in 95% to 98% of the
sessions in which it has been used to date. The connections may last for an
hour or more and usually consist of active encounters with the deceased, such
as receiving messages, having conversations, walking together, hugging, and
even kissing. The clients report that their grief dramatically diminishes or
is extinguished by the connections, and their lives are changed.
Knowing that this form of grief therapy has such a dramatic
effect on the clients’ grief, we wanted to evaluate formally the degree to
which the clients’ grief is diminished by the Guided Afterlife Connections
experience. As a result, a study was performed using the Subjective Units of
Distress scale (SUDS) commonly employed in EMDR psychotherapy to evaluate how
disturbing a memory is for the client. The study used 45 subjects who
participated in Guided Afterlife Connections procedures with Rochelle Wright,
M.S., originator of the Guided Afterlife Connections procedure. It compared
SUDS scale ratings at the beginning of the Guided Afterlife Connections
procedure with SUDS scale ratings of the same memories during or after the
procedure. This report describes the methods used in the study and results.
Sample Used
The study used 45 clients who had Guided Afterlife
Connections experiences. It was limited to those subjects for whom SUDS ratings
for specific memories were gathered before the session and during or after the
session. For this study, only memories with pre-session ratings of 8 or higher
were included in the sample. The result was 189 memories among the 45 clients.
All of the sessions were facilitated by Rochelle Wright. All of the afterlife
connections happened in one session. The median time was four hours. Longer
sessions usually involved some psychotherapy work along with the Guided
Afterlife Connection.
The SUDS scale is a 10-point scale commonly used in EMDR psychotherapy.
The client is asked to bring a distressing memory to mind and assess the
strength of the disturbance it engenders by assigning a number to it. A 0 indicates
no disturbance. A 10 indicates that it is highly disturbing. It may bring on any of a variety of feelings and body sensations: depression, sadness,
grief, guilt, anxiety, feeling of loss of control, pain, dizziness, and any of
the other negative emotions or bodily sensations associated with trauma and
bereavement. Although the scale goes from 0 to 10, clients create their own scales to
describe their disturbance, adding as many as four plusses (10++++) and even
describing a memory as 100, 150, or 200. Clients add the plusses or use higher
scores spontaneously as an expression of the depth of their profound grief.
The SUDS instrument is useful in providing a scale on
which clients can assign their own evaluations of the disturbance using their own
criteria for each number. The SUDS scale has great value in giving the client a method of
expressing the subjective level of disturbance that cannot easily be expressed
in words.
At the outset of the Guided Afterlife Connections procedure,
the client puts on a headset playing barely audible sounds or music that alternate
in volume between the left and right ears to provide audio bilateral
stimulation. The psychotherapist then asks the client to describe the person
for whom they are grieving, focusing especially on the death and period after
the death. The psychotherapist records every memory as the client describes
it. This open-ended description of the memories may take an hour or more. The
result is that the psychotherapist has an extensive list of as many as 100 or
more memories.
The psychotherapist then explains the SUDS scale to the
client and goes through the entire list of memories, repeating the words the client
used to describe each memory, asking the client to rate how disturbing the
memory is on the 0 to 10 SUDS scale. The psychotherapist writes the rating
beside each memory. The result is a carefully recorded set of ratings for the
client’s memories before the Guided Afterlife Connection experience. These we call
pre-session SUDS ratings.
The psychotherapist and client agree on the memory that is most
disturbing, and that memory becomes the target to begin the Guided Afterlife
Connection procedure. Most often, the entire session unfolds from that initial
disturbing image. However, in some instances, the psychotherapist may take the
client to another disturbing image on which to focus if the first image's disturbing
quality seems to have diminished. In a small number of cases, the
psychotherapist may take the client to three or more memories. To evaluate the
reduction in disturbance of a memory before going on to another memory, the
psychotherapist asks the client to recall the memory and assign a SUDS scale rating
to it. If the rating has reduced to a level of 0 to 4, the psychotherapist goes
on to another memory to use as the target. Nearly always, one memory unfolds
the entire Guided Afterlife Connection. The psychotherapist asks the client to
go on to another memory in perhaps 10 percent of the sessions.
At the end of the session, the psychotherapist assesses the
level of disturbance for those memories that were rated highest on the SUDS
scale at the beginning of the session. The result is a record of the
pre-session SUDS scale ratings for the memories, mid-session ratings for some
of the memories, and post-session ratings for all of the most disturbing
For this study, the pre-session SUDS scale ratings were
compared with the mid-session and post-session ratings to determine the
magnitude of the reduction in the client’s assessments of how much the memories
disturbed him or her. That, then, is an indication of the effect the Guided
Afterlife Connection has had on the clients’ grief.
Degree of Disturbance by Memories at the Beginning of the Session
The SUDS scale uses numbers 0 to 10 for the client to rate
the degree to which a memory is disturbing. A 0 indicates that it has no disturbing effect. A 10 indicates that it is very disturbing.
Table 1 shows the range of pre-session SUDS ratings for the 189
memories. For this study, only memories with pre-session ratings of 8 or above
were included in the sample.
Table 1: Range of Pre-session
SUDS Ratings for the 189 Memories
Of the 189 pre-session SUDS ratings, 179 (95%) were 10 and
above, with 95 (50%) above 10.
Degree of Disturbance During or at the End of the Session
When the same memories were evaluated during or at the end
of the session, the SUDS ratings had reduced dramatically. The ratings for the
memories measured during the session (mid-session) and at the end of the
session (post-session) are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Range of Mid-session
and Post-session
SUDS Ratings for the 189 Memories
Of the 189 mid-session and post-session SUDS ratings, 172 (89.6%)
had reduced to 0, 1, 2, or 3.
Magnitude of the Reduction in Disturbance
If the ratings that were over 10 are reduced to 10, the
average pre-session SUDS rating for all of the memories was 9.91 on the
10-point scale. After the Guided Afterlife Connection procedure, the average
mid-session and post-session SUDS rating for all of the memories was 1.42. The
average reduction between the pre-session SUDS ratings and the mid- and
post-session ratings was 8.5 points on the 10-point scale.
There is no basis on which to give the ratings above 10
values that could be used in the results. However, if the ratings that were
above 10 were given incremental values so 10+ became 11, 10++ became 12, 10+++ became
13, 10++++ became 14, and ratings above that became 15, the average pre-session
rating would be 12.13. It is higher than the upper limit of 10 on the SUDS
scale because clients assigned ratings above 10 for 50% of the memories. They
were in profound grief. If the ratings above 10 were given these values, the reduction between the pre-session
ratings for memories and the mid-session or post-session ratings for the same
memories would be 10.71 points.
Anecdotal Comments
All of the participants made spontaneous
comments about their state of mind after the sessions. These comments are
indications of the reduction in grief and impact on the clients' lives of the Guided Afterlife Connection. A sample of the comments follows:
"It doesn't seem to matter anymore."
"Before, it seemed like his thing was the worst thing
in the world. Now it feels like seeing him so joyous and at peace has lifted a
weight off of me."
"Freedom, peacefulness. I'm free now. I'm free
"It doesn't bother me anymore. I can do what I need to
"I feel peaceful. I feel calm."
"I feel energized."
"I'm feeling peaceful. I'm happy."
"I feel light as a feather."
"I feel kind of like laughing. I feel very light
"The Guided Afterlife Connection took the pain of it
away. When I think of him, it doesn't really bother me anymore."
"There's this peace, and you know you're still
"I'm so, so happy."
“I’m in a state of bliss. Thank you.”
"I feel calm and relaxed. I felt her saying the
words. I felt her presence like when I'm dreaming."
“This was the most profound experience of my life.”
“It literally, literally changed my memory.”
“The memory doesn’t register. It doesn’t even register.”
Written in a note to Rochelle a month after the session: “I
see the sun and can feel the breezes once more. I have a knowing my new leaves
will dance and give nutrients to my new roots. Thank you.”
“I feel like my mom is always around now.”
In a note to Rochelle several days after the session: “For
all you’ve done: Blessings to you for creating sacred space for me to connect
with my mother! It is a gift I will be forever grateful for receiving.”
“Rochelle, I have become a powerful and self-assured woman.”
(A few weeks after the session) “I’m not upset anymore. I
feel my mom’s presence and I’m not sad anymore. I feel OK.”
(Four weeks after the session) “I’m doing good! I’m
laughing a lot more. I have a connection! and I feel good!”
“I don’t have any issues. I feel great. I have peace
around his death.”
(A few days after the session) “I still feel really good for
the first time in my life. I am not depressed. Half of my adult life, since
my 20s, I’ve been on Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, and all the rest, but now, the
whole depression thing has been lifted from me.”
The Guided Afterlife Connections procedure dramatically
reduces the disturbance of memories that initially were very disturbing. The
SUDS ratings decreased from a pre-session average score of 8.5 or 10.71 (depending
on the scores assigned to ratings above 10) to a mid- and post-session
average rating of 1.42. All of the Guided Afterlife Connections in the study resulted in connections in one session. It is clear that the Guided Afterlife
Connections procedure has a dramatic effect on grief with virtually all
clients, regardless of the level of grief at the beginning of the session.
Considering the fact that evaluations of conventional grief therapy show it has
little or no effect on clients’ grief, the highly effective Guided Afterlife Connection
procedure should be used as the standard
treatment for people suffering from bereavement over the passing of a loved one.